Jethro Tull

On June 10, 1971, a sold-out Jethro Tull show at Red Rocks Amphitheater was marred when a mob of fans who couldn’t get tickets decided to climb the hills behind the venue to get in for free; [...]


On June 5, 1983, U2 staged a star-making performance at Colorado’s Red Rocks Amphitheater. A half-capacity crowd risked foul weather to witness the show, which the Irish rockers released as a [...]

REO Speedwagon

On June 4, 1977, REO Speedwagon’s “Ridin’ the Storm Out” peaked on the Billboard singles chart. The band wrote the song after being stuck in a nasty storm around a show at Tulagi, the [...]

Peter Kater

Of German birth and descent, composer and pianist Peter Kater moved to Boulder in 1977 at the age of 18, finding stimulation in the beautiful terrain of the Rocky Mountains, “the movements and [...]

John Denver

On May 8, 1976, the Starland Vocal Band’s “Afternoon Delight” was issued on John Denver’s Windsong label—one of the biggest “one-hit wonders” of all time. Check out CoME’s new John Denver video [...]